DM Simulations



If you don’t have MPI on your system you can get it from Here.


We will need to install FFTW. To use Gadget2 we need FFTW2, you can download it from here: FFTW be sure to download FFTW-2.1.5 and install it by:

tar -xzvf fftw-2.1.5.tar.gz
cd fftw-2.1.5
./configure --prefix=/home/bruno/code/fftw_2 --enable-type-prefix --enable-threads --enable-mpi
make install


Download from Here and install it by:

tar -xzvf gsl-2.6.tar.gz 
cd gsl-2.6/
./configure --prefix=/home/bruno/code/gsl
make install

Initial Conditions

To generate initial conditions for our simulations we will use MUSIC. Download and extract the .zip file. Then change the Makefile to add the FFTW and GSL directories:

### compile time configuration options
FFTW3		= no
HAVEHDF5        = no
BOXLIB_HOME     = ${HOME}/nyx_tot_sterben/BoxLib
FFTW_HOME = /home/bruno/code/fftw_2
GSL_HOME = /home/bruno/code/gsl

### compiler and path settings
CC      = g++
OPT     = -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -O3 -g -mtune=native
LFLAGS  = -lgsl -lgslcblas 
CPATHS  = -I. -I$(HOME)/local/include -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I$(FFTW_HOME)/include -I$(GSL_HOME)/include
LPATHS  = -L$(HOME)/local/lib -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -L$(FFTW_HOME)/lib -L$(GSL_HOME)/lib 

Then just make and if everything works correctly you should see the MUSIC executable.

To run MUSIC you need to pass a parameter file (ics_parameters.conf) with the configuration for your initial conditions, here is an example for a \(128^3\) simulation:

boxlength		= 50
zstart			= 100
levelmin		= 7
levelmin_TF		= 7
levelmax		= 7
align_top		= no
baryons			= no
use_2LPT		= yes
use_LLA			= yes
periodic_TF		= yes

Omega_m			= 0.3111
Omega_L			= 0.6889
w0			= -1.0
wa			= 0.0
Omega_b			= 0.0486
H0			= 67.66
sigma_8			= 0.8102
nspec			= 0.9665
transfer		= eisenstein
YHe = 0

seed[7]			= 12345
seed[8]			= 23456
seed[9]			= 34567
seed[10]		= 45678
seed[11]		= 56789
seed[12]		= 67890

##Gadget-2 (type=1: high-res particles, type=5: rest)
format			= gadget2
filename		= /home/bruno/Desktop/Dropbox/Developer/dm_simulations/ics_dm/ics_128_gadget
gadget_num_files = 1
gadget_lunit = kpc
UnitLength_in_cm = 3.08568025e21
UnitMass_in_g = 1.989e43
UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s = 1e5
#gadget_usekpc = yes

fft_fine		= yes
accuracy		= 1e-5
pre_smooth		= 3
post_smooth		= 3
smoother		= gs
laplace_order		= 6
grad_order		= 6

To run music just pass the parameter file

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/bruno/code/gsl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
./MUSIC ics_parameters.conf


To run the simulation we will use Gadget2, download it from Here and extract it by:

gunzip gadget-2.0.7.tar.gz
tar -xvf gadget-2.0.7.tar

You will have to edit the Makefile, this are the changes I made:

#--------------------------------------- Single/Double Precision


#--------------------------------------- Adjust settings for target computer

ifeq ($(SYSTYPE),"falcon")
CC       =  mpicc   
OPTIMIZE =  -O3 -Wall
GSL_INCL =  -I/home/bruno/code/gsl/include
GSL_LIBS =  -L/home/bruno/code/gsl/lib 
FFTW_INCL=  -I/home/bruno/code/fftw_2/include
FFTW_LIBS=  -L/home/bruno/code/fftw_2/lib
HDF5LIB  =  -lhdf5 -lz 

Then just make and if it works you should have a Gadget2 executable.

To run a simulation you will have to pass a parameter file, this is an example:

%  Relevant files

InitCondFile  	   /home/bruno/Desktop/Dropbox/Developer/dm_simulations/ics_dm/ics_128_gadget
OutputDir          /home/bruno/Desktop/Dropbox/Developer/dm_simulations/output_files

EnergyFile         energy.txt
InfoFile           info.txt
TimingsFile        timings.txt
CpuFile            cpu.txt

RestartFile        restart
SnapshotFileBase   snapshot

OutputListFilename /home/bruno/Desktop/Dropbox/Developer/dm_simulations/outputs_100.txt

% CPU time -limit

TimeLimitCPU      10000000  % = 30 hours
ResubmitOn        0
ResubmitCommand   my-scriptfile

% Code options

ICFormat                 1
SnapFormat               1
ComovingIntegrationOn    1

TypeOfTimestepCriterion  0
OutputListOn             1
PeriodicBoundariesOn     1

%  Caracteristics of run

TimeBegin           0.00990099  % z=100, Begin of the simulation
TimeMax	            1.0

Omega0	              0.3111
OmegaLambda           0.6889
OmegaBaryon           0.0486
HubbleParam           0.6766
BoxSize               50000.0

% Output frequency

TimeBetSnapshot        0.5
TimeOfFirstSnapshot    0

CpuTimeBetRestartFile     36000.0    ; here in seconds
TimeBetStatistics         0.05

NumFilesPerSnapshot       1
NumFilesWrittenInParallel 1

% Accuracy of time integration

ErrTolIntAccuracy      0.025

MaxRMSDisplacementFac  0.2

MaxSizeTimestep       0.01
MinSizeTimestep       0.0

% Tree algorithm, force accuracy, domain update frequency

ErrTolTheta            0.5
TypeOfOpeningCriterion 0
ErrTolForceAcc         0.005

TreeDomainUpdateFrequency    0.005

%  Further parameters of SPH

CourantFac             0.15
DesNumNgb              33
MaxNumNgbDeviation     2
ArtBulkViscConst       0.8
InitGasTemp            1000.0        % always ignored if set to 0
MinGasTemp             50.0

% Memory allocation

PartAllocFactor       1.6
TreeAllocFactor       0.8
BufferSize            30          % in MByte

% System of units

UnitLength_in_cm         3.085678e21       % ;  1.0 kpc
UnitMass_in_g            1.989e43          % ;  1.0e10 solar masses
UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1e5               % ;  1 km/sec
GravityConstantInternal  0

% Softening lengths

MinGasHsmlFractional 0.25

SofteningGas       0
SofteningHalo      80
SofteningDisk      0
SofteningBulge     0
SofteningStars     0
SofteningBndry     0

SofteningGasMaxPhys       0
SofteningHaloMaxPhys      80
SofteningDiskMaxPhys      0
SofteningBulgeMaxPhys     0
SofteningStarsMaxPhys     0
SofteningBndryMaxPhys     0

where outputs_100.txt is where you pass the values of a when you want to save snapshots.

Finally just run the code by

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/bruno/code/gsl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
mpirun -n 2 ./Gadget2 128_dm.param