Gadget parameters file Here

Gadget output failed run Here

For succesful run the next output from gadget is:

domain decomposition… NTopleaves= 32768 work-load balance=1.01394 memory-balance=1.01394 exchange of 0133952850 particles exchange of 0002343460 particles domain decomposition done. begin Peano-Hilbert order… Peano-Hilbert done. Begin Ngb-tree construction. Ngb-Tree contruction finished

Setting next time for snapshot file to Time_next= 0.01

Error File Here

Output File Here


Got same error when running on 64 nodes * 16 cores

Now running in 32 nodes * 16 cores: max_wall_time 120hrs,

The $512^3$ simulation took 10hrs to run in 32 nodes*16cores