Column 1: ENZO

Column 2: Phase diagram for All Gas ( top ) and Neutral Hydrogen ( bottom ). Temperature is internally computed by Grackle on run time.

Column 3: Phase diagram for the fraction of the gas that uses the Total Internal Energy to compute pressure.

Column 4: Phase diagram for the fraction of the gas that uses the Adavected Internal Energy to compute pressure.

Column 5: Phase diagram showing the temperature computed from the Total Internal Energy for ALL the gas.

Column 6: Phase diagram showing the temperature computed from the Advected Internal Energy for ALL the gas.

Here is a comparison of the phase diagram using and \(\eta = 0.001\) same as enzo and no cooling.

Row 1: PCM: No initial velocities and no gravity.

Row 2: PCM: No gravity, no Pressure on Fluxes of momentum and energy.

Row 3: PCM: normal gravity and pressure