Mostly taken from Andrey’s PM notes

In proper coordinates, gravitational potential and equations of motion for particles:

\[\nabla^2 \Phi \, = 4 \pi G \rho_{tot} - \Lambda\] \[\frac{d\textbf{r}}{dt} \, = \,\textbf{u}\] \[\frac{d\textbf{u}}{dt} \, = \, - \nabla \Phi\]

time and spatial derivatives are also with respect to proper coordinates.

Now we change to comoving variables and make them dimensionless:

\[\tilde{\textbf{x}} \, \equiv \, a^{-1} \frac{\textbf{r}}{r_0}, \,\,\, \tilde{\textbf{p}} \, \equiv \, a \frac{\textbf{v}}{v_0}, \,\,\, \tilde{\phi} \, \equiv \, \frac{\phi}{\phi_0}, \,\,\, \tilde{\rho} \, \equiv \, a^3 \frac{\rho}{\rho_0},\]

where \(\tilde{\textbf{x}}\), \(\textbf{v} \, = \, \textbf{u} - H\textbf{r} \, = \, a\mathbf{ \dot{x} }\) is the peculiar velocity and \(\phi\) is the peculiar potential defined as (Peebles 1980)

\[\phi \, = \, \Phi + \frac{H_0^2}{2} \bigg( \Omega_\Lambda - \frac{1}{2}a^{-3} \Omega_m \bigg) r^2 ,\]


\[\Omega_m = \frac{8 \pi G \rho_0}{3H_0^2} ; \, \, \Omega_\Lambda = \frac{\Lambda}{3H_0^2} .\]

To make the variables dimensionless we define:

\[r_0 \, \equiv \, \frac{L_{box}}{N_g}; \, \, N_g^3 \, = \, \text{total number of grid cells},\] \[t_0 \, \equiv \, H_0^{-1} ,\] \[v_0 \, \equiv \, \frac{r_0}{t_0} ,\] \[\rho_0 \, \equiv \, \frac{3 H_0^2}{8 \pi G} \Omega_m ,\] \[\phi_0 \, \equiv \, \frac{r_0^2}{t_0^2} \, = \, v_0^2 ,\]

Now using the scale factor as the time variable, the Poisson equation and the equations of motion are:

\[\nabla^2 \phi = 4 \pi G \Omega_m \rho_{crit} \frac{\delta}{a}, \;\;\; \delta = \frac{\rho - \bar{\rho}}{\bar{\rho}}\] \[\frac{d\textbf{p}}{da} = - \frac{\nabla \phi}{\dot{a}}, \;\;\; \frac{d\textbf{x}}{da} = \frac{d\textbf{p}}{\dot{a}a^2},\]

here \(\delta\) is the overdensity in comoving coordinates and \(\dot{a}\) is given by:

\[\dot{a} = H_0 a^{-1/2} \sqrt{ \Omega_m + a\Omega_k + a^3\Omega_\Lambda } ; \;\;\; \Omega_m + \Omega_k + \Omega_\Lambda = 1\]

In dimensionless variables these equations become:

\[\tilde{\nabla}^2 \tilde{\phi} = \frac{3}{2} \frac{\Omega_m}{a} \tilde{\delta},\] \[\frac{d\mathbf{\tilde{p}}}{da} = - f(a)\tilde{\nabla} \tilde{\phi}, \;\;\; \frac{d\mathbf{\tilde{x}}}{da} = f(a) \frac{d\mathbf{\tilde{p}}}{a^2},\]

where \(\tilde{\delta} = \tilde{\rho} - 1\) and

\[f(a) \equiv H_0/\dot{a} = [ a^{-1} ( \Omega_m + a\Omega_k + a^3\Omega_\Lambda ) ]^{-1/2}\]

To do the time evolution of the DM particles, these last equations are used in the three main steps of the PM code:

  • Solve the Poisson equation using the density field estimated with the current particle positions.

  • Advance the momentum of the particles using the new potential.

  • Update particle positions using the new momenta ( Leap-Frog scheme ).