CHOLLA: self-gravity implementation
Starting from the December-15 commit ( last commit from Evan )
Created makefile for shamrock
Added new initial conditions and test file for a 3D spherical overdensity
Added SELF_GRAVITY switch to makefile
Added self_gravity_functions.h and self_gravity_functions.cpp files
- Added a gravity class ( Grav3D ) for computing the gravitational potential from a general density field.
- The Grav3D class is initialized in the the Grid3D class, in this way grav3D will be an instance inside grid3D
- The Grav3D class has fields for general density, and potential
The Grav3D class has functions for writing to the output HDF5 file
Added makefile for titan and xstream
Added files mpi_pfft.h and mpi_pfft.cpp for the data and partial functions related to the potential calculation
Added function to grid3D to copy density from conservatives to density_h field in grav3d object
- IMPORTANT: Changed the way the 3D grid of mpi_processes is made:
- In line 401 of file mpi_rutines.cpp transposed the nested loop, now the the x-axis is filed in the first index
- This was done to match the way PFFT assigns coordinates to processes.
So far I haven’t seen a change in the hydro calculations.
- Potential boundaries:
- In line 887 of file mpi_rutines.cpp (Allocate_MPI_Buffers_BLOCK ) I increased the size of mpi_bufers
- Added functions to Grid3D in mpi_boundaries.cpp to load and read the potential to mpi_buffers
- Loaded buffers from for each side and each direction in Load_and_Send_MPI_Comm_Buffers_BLOCK, file: mpi_bounderies.cpp
Read potential boundaries in Unload_MPI_Comm_Buffers_BLOCK, file: mpi_bounderies.cpp
- Loading potential to GPU:
- Added function to Grav3D to copy potential from CPU to GPU
- Changed function CTU_Algorithm_3D to receive pointer to potential array (NULL pointer will be passed when SELF_GRAVITY in inactive )
- Changed function Update_Conserved_Variables_3D to receive pointer to potential array (NULL pointer will be passed when SELF_GRAVITY in inactive )
- Changed function CTU_Algorithm_3D to use new Update_Conserved_Variables_3D function
- Changed function VL_Algorith_3D to receive pointer to potential array (NULL pointer will be passed when SELF_GRAVITY in inactive )
- Changed function VL_Algorithm_3D to use new Update_Conserved_Variables_3D function
** Overlapping hydro and potential calculation **
- breaking set_boundaries function to send hydro boundaries and potential boundaries separately
- Added parameter which_bound to function: Set_Boundary_Conditions
- Added parameter which_bound to function: Set_Boundaries_MPI
- Added parameter which_bound to function: Set_Boundaries_MPI_BLOCK
- Added parameter which_bound to function: Load_and_Send_MPI_Comm_Buffers
- Should I modify ** Step 2 - Set non-MPI x-boundaries ** ?
- Added parameter which_bound to function: Wait_and_Unload_MPI_Comm_Buffers_BLOCK
- Added parameter which_bound to function: Unload_MPI_Comm_Buffers
- Added parameter which_bound to function: Unload_MPI_Comm_Buffers_BLOCK
- Using which_bound I separated the boundery transfers for conserved variables and potential
- In main I made an OMP parallel that separates the hydro update and the potential calculation.