P(k) of the Initial Condtions Density (DM-Only \(z=100\)) for CDM and 3.0 kev WDM mass

From a grid of \(N=1024^3\) and \(L=25 h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}\)

The black dotted line shows the suppressed \(P(k)\) from the input \(P(k)\) used by MUSIC to generate the initial conditions.

From a grid of \(N=1024^3\) and \(L=10 h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}\).

Also showing \(P(k)\) from the density obtained from \(2048^3\) particles gridded onto a \(1024^3\) grid. Increasing the number of particles by 8 makes a small improvement only.